Celebrating Conservation
Since 1991
Our Vision
To preserve natural, rural, and historic landscapes for Nature’s benefit and the enrichment of future generations.
Our Mission
Westmoreland Conservancy preserves, enhances, and connects land, habitat, and green space through acquisition, stewardship, and cooperation with local communities and other organizations.
Contact Us:
Westmoreland Conservancy
1 Priority Lane, Unit 446
Murrysville, PA 15668

Interested in attending an event?
Please let us know by filling out the registration at
We always look forward to seeing new faces and familiar friends!
Upcoming Activities:
Apple Tree Pruning 02/15
1st Day of Spring Hike 03/20
Earth Day Project 04/19
Annual Meeting & Election 04/23
Watch for our events
See our calendar!
Year-round Geocaching
2025 Monthly Meetings:
Delmont Public Library 7PM
January 22
February 26
March 26
April 23**
**Annual Meeting & Elections

The mission of Westmoreland Conservancy is to preserve, enhance, and connect land, habitat, and green space through acquisition, stewardship, and cooperation with local communities and other organizations.
80% of the Conservancy's 600+ acres has been donated by folks wishing their land and legacy be protected in a natural, undeveloped state.
Should you have property that you would like to preserve for nature and future generations, we would like to talk with you. We have the resources to assist you.
Call us at 724-325-5523 or email contact@westmorelandconservancy.org

First Day of Spring Hike
McGinnis Reserve
Thursday, March 20

Experience the onset of SPRING with us at our McGinnis Reserve. The seasons officially change at 10:01AM Thursday, March 20! We'll follow the trail around to see what may be emerging from
the sleeping winter soils and talk about the history of the property.
It will likely be damp, so have rain gear and boots!
The hike will start promptly at 4pm from the parking lot on Hunter Drive, so come early!

Apple Tree Pruning
Saturday, February 15

Saturday, February 15, 9AM: Annual Apple Tree Rehab at the Morosini Reserve on Morosini Farm Road. This is year eight of our quest to not only revitalize the old variety trees at the reserve, but to make others more comfortable with the
process before trying at home. We have seen these trees bloom and produce the very same year!
Be at the lower parking lot (#1) at the bend on the left by 9AM. Bring your work gloves, loppers, clippers, pole saws, and questions so that our team can share their experience.
Event Registration: www.westmorelandconservancy.org/event-registration FREE

Walk Through the Seasons
Hike Series at the
King Reserve
with Lindsey Praksti

Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Make a date to experience the seasonal changes in the forest along the red trail at the King Reserve with Lindsey.
February 9, April 27, July 13, and September 28th, head out at 10AM from the King parking lot on Crowfoot Road. You don't want to miss any part of this hike series! Event Registration: www.westmorelandconservancy.org/event-registration FREE

Westmoreland Conservancy

Westmoreland Conservancy has always been happy to host geocaches and events at our reserves. we have cache trails designed to help explore unique features and areas of the properties. Some are even educational!
We invite you to get out and enjoy our reserves, and if you have a suggestion for or would like to help create a new cache trail on one of the properties not already boasting one, please reach out!

Westmoreland Conservancy reserves are privately owned lands that are available to the public for permitted use
Dogs are to be on-leash, and waste is to be removed
PLEASE observe Leave No Trace sensibilities and take out out anything you bring in
DO NOT leave trash at the reserves

at the
Morosini Reserve

There is always an incredible variety of birds to observe at the Morosini Reserve.
Because the 183-acre reserve boasts diverse habitat areas. You'll experience a shaded pond, dense woodlands, open fields, and edge habitat all within a 30-minute walk. if you take your time and observe closely, you'll see and hear all SORTS of birds, both migratory and local residents!
One never tires of seeing a beautiful cardinal or bluebird, but an indigo bunting, yellowthroat or cedar waxwing is an exciting rush!
As always, you are invited to enjoy the reserve even without a guided event. Just please, leave no trace.

King Reserve
Walk Through the Seasons
Winter Hike with
Lindsey Praksti

Our seasonal hike series with Lindsey begins Sunday, February 9th at 10AM. Meet at the parking lot on Crowfoot Road. Walking sticks or poles are encouraged.
The red trail takes you through the southernmost part of the King Reserve. There are some interesting features in this part of the forest.
Please register in advance:
Westmoreland Conservancy is an all-volunteer, private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization committed to conservation. We are not affiliated with the Municipality of Murrysville, nor with Westmoreland County Government.
We do not receive taxpayer monies. Our organization is funded by our donors.
Westmoreland Conservancy protects land and wildlife habitat. We make nature available so that people of all ages and abilities may benefit from the experience.
The Universal Pedestrian Trail (UPT) at the Morosini Reserve is in need of repair. This is necessary to continue to allow those with wheelchairs, walkers and strollers to enjoy these amenities. We are also planning to extend the surface by another 400’. The quotes for this work are indicating a $50,000 expense. This would break down to approximately $33 per linear foot. Can we count on you to underwrite a few feet of this unique trail?
Your support is always appreciated. We are your local land trust, part of your community, working to make our world a bit better for everyone.

Westmoreland Conservancy preserves, enhances and connects land, habitat and green space through acquisition, stewardship, and cooperation with local communities and other organizations.
Our vision is to preserve natural, rural, and historic landscapes for Nature's benefit and the enrichment of future generations. Since 1991 Westmoreland Conservancy has protected more than 600 acres of land.
Westmoreland Conservancy is devoted to conservation of land in Westmoreland County. We are an accredited 501c-3 non-profit organization.

westmorelandconservancy.org generously hosted by donation

Get Involved
Becoming a volunteer provides a unique opportunity to contribute directly to protecting our region’s clean waters, natural areas, and sustainable local economies now and for future generations. You play an important role in conserving the waters, meadows, and woodlands of your community. You will meet wonderful people, too! Volunteering at the Conservancy is productive work, and it’s fun!
Tell us what you would like to do: stewardship; special events; hikes; fundraising; website; newsletters/email news... contact us at the email address or phone number above!